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Sunday, 18 September 2011

Happy Birthday Fin!!

I cannot believe that my little boy turns 11 tomorrow, where have those years gone! Fin is such a happy go lucky boy and a real pleasure to be around and with my hubby working nights Fin is really good company for me! In fact sometimes I tend to be a bit selfish and let him stay up to be with me!! I have made myself stop this as he does need his sleep!! Joking aside, Happy Birthday Fin!! Obviously his pressies are footy based with a new Man Utd kit out!! He is very happy as his footy season has started, so I am now back to having peaceful cleaning time on a Sunday!!

Both Fin and Gabs are well into school now and are doing lots of after school clubs! Fin is very happy and likes his teacher, though he does moan about all the work!! He is very excited as he has been officially picked for the school footy team and is going to play in a tournament next week so will be away for a night in Whitby, I am so glad he was picked, it would not have been a very happy house if he had not got in the team!!
Gabs likes school and loves seeing all her friends but I will have to tell you something she said,
"My teacher smiled today! but it wasn't at me!!" Bless her!
Have a good week everyone.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Hi there!

Morning everyone! Just a real quick post before I go off on the school run! Fin and Gabs are loving their new classes, Fin is in his final year at Primary and gabs has gone up into the Juniors and is having a fab time. Fin has "A lot of work to do" a disgruntled quote from him! It is taking a bit of getting used to after six weeks of not having to rush I must say!
I have been working on some new things, mainly Christmas but I did do one order that I can now show you as the lady now has her card!

I really enjoyed doing this one! and the following one was one of many graduation orders I have done,

I have been doing a lot of line drawing lately and keep getting orders for cards with the drawing on too.
I am preparing for my first ever exhibition on a large scale at the moment, it is on Monday evening and I am a little nervous but excited too. I will post the photos after the open evening for you to see!
I also am doing a Wedding Fair this weekend too at a lovely old Church and the Archbishop of York is coming to the open evening on Friday, we are all going to that so it should be a lovely evening.
Fin and Gabs are promptly putting coats on so must go, Have a great day everyone and avoid the rain if you can!